Burton Cycle Tools are dll indicators that output unique vibrationally based Wave and Square of Nine mathematical structures to your charts. These dlls run under Fibonacci and/or Galactic Trader.
•Check out above programs at www.fibonaccitrader.com or www.galacticinvestor.com
•Contact Linda at FTGT for help with program needs . . . (904) 260-1515
•All Data Feeds are not created equal
•Follow instructions in the Chart Setup and Dll Installation tutorials
•Build your 1st Charts and start watching vibration fundamentals in real-time
•Burton Cycle Tools require V4 - R93 and above to output. R97 or higher is highly recommended
•My opinionated Data Feed perspective
•Follow instructions in the Chart Setup and Dll Installation tutorials
•Build your 1st Charts and start watching vibration fundamentals in real-time