October 24, 2024

Crest Thermometer Caps . . .

Crest Caps, Fib Vectors and the 21 Count are dominant forces even outside the realm of Fib Fence directional bias. Always ask yourself . . . What is price doing as it applies into the 21 count (right side of the thermometer). The cap level functions as a proof-point break-out level . . . so what is the relationship with other proof-point levels at 21 count time? (ie Fib Fence, Fib Levels, Vectors, Time Fence, etc.) Is price applying or consolidating into this cap level at time? Have upside targets been triggered? Is price at break-out approach above the previous cycle’s vectors? (brown dots) Understand that failure to break-out puts price in a position to get capped by the upcoming vector . . . which will appear at wave shock-point. So either it gets trapped, or it launches higher. Take advantage of that knowledge as set-ups occur repeatedly.


Dox Box . . .

The imperative read for understanding is found at the 'Law of Vibration' site . . . Topics: ' Directional Bias', 'Time/Price 45', and 'Fractals' . . . Read . . . Understand . . . and find Success.