Rental price in US dollars:
- $90.00 per month . . . (license for any single tool of your choice) [equivalent to the cost of 1 round-trip/day]
- $180.00 per month . . . (license for any 3 tools of your choice)
- $270.00 per month . . . (unlimited license for all tools . . . ‘Tape Readers and Legacy’)
- $720.00 per month . . . (unlimited license for all tools + ‘Live Trading Room Membership’ . . . giving daily access to our trade room . . . Wheelhoss)
Trials are free for 30 days. (and free trial extensions are available on my Facebook page)
[Free trial extensions are also available on a case by case basis as needed and practical for your success]
Burton ‘Tape Readers’ provide the map for your journey to success. You will have to:
- Learn to read the map
- Learn to follow the directional bias of the market
- Learn that patience is rewarded
- Learn to trade a line in the sand when reward is greater than risk
The question should be . . . How good is the line in the sand?
There is no real cost . . .
. . . except as measured in your Time to find out about you.

Dox Box . . .
Wednesday mornings are viewing time in my live trading room. 'Trial Users' are invited to join each Wednesday for an in depth look at price's position in the market and where trade's are setting up on various fractals . . . including reward vs risk analysis using Burton Tape Readers. Cost of live viewing session on Wednesdays is US$25.00 per month. Trade Room broadcast uses Omnovia . . . there is no software to install.